Hello And Welcome!
I'm Shelly Liedtke!
My Journey Of Self Healing
It feels important to share my personal healing journey here so you can get to know me, who I am, a bit about where I've been and why in the heck you'd even want to listen to me in the first place! (I don't normally share all this much information about myself, but I feel you deserve to know who's sharing with you so you can determine if you want to hear more from me.😉)
Everything I've shared below is the entire reason for doing what I do and offering what I'm offering here on this website and through my business.💗
In the Human Design System, I'm a 6/3 Emotional Manifestor and a Step 28° Gemini, with the Incarnation/Life Theme of Education (I share more about this further on down the page).
Everything I've shared below is the entire reason for doing what I do and offering what I'm offering here on this website and through my business.💗
In the Human Design System, I'm a 6/3 Emotional Manifestor and a Step 28° Gemini, with the Incarnation/Life Theme of Education (I share more about this further on down the page).
Very early on in my life (at 4 years of age), my Mom stood me up on one of our kitchen dining chairs, just behind the green painted back door of our home, and showed me how to draw my name on the chalkboard she used to write her grocery list and other such things on
...and, as the saying goes: "That's all she wrote."
...I was sucked into a vortex of joy, delight and inner self-empowerment, and I've been drawing and handwriting ever since! (My favorite subjects in school -- handwriting and art.)
Also at age 4, I was delighted that my mom had my second sister, and began helping my mom diaper, feed and help with nap time.
Mom also arranged for me to take dance classes, which I so loved.
At age 5, I was self-coaching and guiding myself to trust the part of myself that sent me into this world (I was having a rough time being here).
When I went to kindergarten, the school nurse noticed I wasn't seeing well and I received my first pair of eyeglasses.
I also began teaching my sister just younger than me, everything I could remember that I learned that day at school. We'd get out the chalkboard, paper, pencils and coloring crayons and go to town with it!
Mom also bought an old used upright piano. I began lessons right away and loved it!
By age 7, I was experiencing pain in my body to the point that our family doctor told my Mom to bring me in to get checked for childhood arthritis (but was told there was nothing wrong). I was also making my first meager attempts at creating positive affirmations.
By age 8, I felt terribly disappointed that my stomach could no longer digest Cheerios...and had a disaster with Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma's when I was 9 years old, to such a degree that I was unable to even look at Waldorf salad, eat pumpkin pie or chicken until I was about 23 years old...(still can't stomach Waldorf salad - lol)
...And, as a much different saying goes:
...and, as the saying goes: "That's all she wrote."
...I was sucked into a vortex of joy, delight and inner self-empowerment, and I've been drawing and handwriting ever since! (My favorite subjects in school -- handwriting and art.)
Also at age 4, I was delighted that my mom had my second sister, and began helping my mom diaper, feed and help with nap time.
Mom also arranged for me to take dance classes, which I so loved.
At age 5, I was self-coaching and guiding myself to trust the part of myself that sent me into this world (I was having a rough time being here).
When I went to kindergarten, the school nurse noticed I wasn't seeing well and I received my first pair of eyeglasses.
I also began teaching my sister just younger than me, everything I could remember that I learned that day at school. We'd get out the chalkboard, paper, pencils and coloring crayons and go to town with it!
Mom also bought an old used upright piano. I began lessons right away and loved it!
By age 7, I was experiencing pain in my body to the point that our family doctor told my Mom to bring me in to get checked for childhood arthritis (but was told there was nothing wrong). I was also making my first meager attempts at creating positive affirmations.
By age 8, I felt terribly disappointed that my stomach could no longer digest Cheerios...and had a disaster with Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma's when I was 9 years old, to such a degree that I was unable to even look at Waldorf salad, eat pumpkin pie or chicken until I was about 23 years old...(still can't stomach Waldorf salad - lol)
...And, as a much different saying goes:
"Sh*t runs downhill."
...and by age 19, my eyeglass prescription had drastically worsened about six different times during junior high and high school.
It also became painful for me to run, even across a parking lot, to the point that my school counselor directed me to go to the doctor to get my hips checked.
I was taken out of the regular gym class and placed in dance movement class, with the teacher adjusting the entire class curriculum to my comfort level. 🫤
I'd also had some major pneumonia, bronchial, sinus and lymphatic issues, such that I went to the doctor, and, once again, was told:
It also became painful for me to run, even across a parking lot, to the point that my school counselor directed me to go to the doctor to get my hips checked.
I was taken out of the regular gym class and placed in dance movement class, with the teacher adjusting the entire class curriculum to my comfort level. 🫤
I'd also had some major pneumonia, bronchial, sinus and lymphatic issues, such that I went to the doctor, and, once again, was told:
"There's nothing wrong with you. You're as healthy as a horse... (that was literally what he said):
...hmmmm... 🤔
...then why wasn't I feeling good?
Why did I hurt everywhere and have trouble digesting food and ending up sleeping all the time (usually non-rejuvenating sleep)?
Good questions, right?!
...then why wasn't I feeling good?
Why did I hurt everywhere and have trouble digesting food and ending up sleeping all the time (usually non-rejuvenating sleep)?
Good questions, right?!
Where Am I With This In My Life Today?
I finally find myself actually feeling pretty darn good most days!
WooHoo! Celebrations galore! 🥳🎆🎇
- after having both my children born naturally at home, and
- after having home schooled both my children for a total of 23 years, and
- experiencing a rollercoaster ride of feeling flat out crummy and living way too much of my life from the couch and
- struggling to stay in my body,
- to having flash-in-the-pan moments of feeling somewhat better,
- while self-educating myself on ways to get myself feeling good (I wasn’t sure what that was by then, as feeling good didn’t happen very often)...
I finally find myself actually feeling pretty darn good most days!
WooHoo! Celebrations galore! 🥳🎆🎇
Bootstraps & Lots Of Determination
How did I do it, you say?!
How did I pull myself up by the bootstraps and keep going, even though, I was so fatigued because no rest or sleep was rejuvenating?
How was I able to teach my children, even though, most days if someone asked me what 8 x 4 was, I couldn't have told them right off the top of my head?
How did I find the energy to learn Square Foot Gardening and put 9+ raised garden beds in our back yard (with the help of my young son)?
How was I able to do cleanse after repeated cleanse due to toxicity build-up in my body system?
How did I rise above the pain in my body whenever someone gave me a hug and the resultant bruises from that, on top of the emotional distress, anxiety and discombobulation I was feeling?
How did I withstand the craziness of experiencing many (not just one) NDE-like experiences? (I literally thought I would flip out some days during this spiritual wake-up process.)
How did I keep going forward hour-after-hour in my kitchen (all the while, teaching my children every day) making fermented breads and seed cheeses and flax crackers that tasted, smelled and looked exactly like the most lush pizza you ever dreamed of in my dehydrator, along with salad after salad of the spinach, beets, cucumbers and lettuces I grew in my garden?
How did I press forward with making herbal extracts for keeping myself and my young ones well?
What drove me forward to sell my piano and our extra refrigerator so I could learn the very beginnings of Chinese medicine and how to stay healthy with each changing season?
How on earth was I able to take my dear friend up on the invitation to do a series of sweat lodges and a 42-day water and tea fast, to support her in overcoming breast cancer?
I think I'm tired just thinking about it all!!!
When I look at it, it's absolutely amazing!
The overall answer to how I did all of this?
...I was told it was the best way, so I thought I had to...
There it is...I thought an outer "authority" knew what was best for me, so I threw myself into it the best I could.
I'm so grateful for the Human Design System that has guided me to know how to make clear decisions in a dependable way, all on my own...but I didn't meet up with this for a while still...
Let's read on...
How did I pull myself up by the bootstraps and keep going, even though, I was so fatigued because no rest or sleep was rejuvenating?
How was I able to teach my children, even though, most days if someone asked me what 8 x 4 was, I couldn't have told them right off the top of my head?
How did I find the energy to learn Square Foot Gardening and put 9+ raised garden beds in our back yard (with the help of my young son)?
How was I able to do cleanse after repeated cleanse due to toxicity build-up in my body system?
How did I rise above the pain in my body whenever someone gave me a hug and the resultant bruises from that, on top of the emotional distress, anxiety and discombobulation I was feeling?
How did I withstand the craziness of experiencing many (not just one) NDE-like experiences? (I literally thought I would flip out some days during this spiritual wake-up process.)
How did I keep going forward hour-after-hour in my kitchen (all the while, teaching my children every day) making fermented breads and seed cheeses and flax crackers that tasted, smelled and looked exactly like the most lush pizza you ever dreamed of in my dehydrator, along with salad after salad of the spinach, beets, cucumbers and lettuces I grew in my garden?
How did I press forward with making herbal extracts for keeping myself and my young ones well?
What drove me forward to sell my piano and our extra refrigerator so I could learn the very beginnings of Chinese medicine and how to stay healthy with each changing season?
How on earth was I able to take my dear friend up on the invitation to do a series of sweat lodges and a 42-day water and tea fast, to support her in overcoming breast cancer?
I think I'm tired just thinking about it all!!!
When I look at it, it's absolutely amazing!
The overall answer to how I did all of this?
...I was told it was the best way, so I thought I had to...
There it is...I thought an outer "authority" knew what was best for me, so I threw myself into it the best I could.
I'm so grateful for the Human Design System that has guided me to know how to make clear decisions in a dependable way, all on my own...but I didn't meet up with this for a while still...
Let's read on...
When Did Things Start Looking Up For Me?
When my first child was small, I received a copy of Louise Hay's book, "Heal Your Body".
What a truly lovely thing!
I began to diligently follow her instructions and using her affirmations.
What a truly lovely thing!
I began to diligently follow her instructions and using her affirmations.
Next thing that showed up was Wayne Dyer's first presentations on PBS.
Another god-send!
Me and my husband ate up the information!
Another god-send!
Me and my husband ate up the information!
After that, my husband came across an audio CD pack of Dr. John L. Lund's presentation called, "For All Eternity", which helped us understand what he calls "content communication" in relationships.
Both me and my husband feel that this information from Dr. Lund is a major contributing factor to our peaceful marriage of 32 years, as of the date of this writing.
Both me and my husband feel that this information from Dr. Lund is a major contributing factor to our peaceful marriage of 32 years, as of the date of this writing.
After that, I had some major inner spiritual realizations and guidance about using gratitude to get myself feeling well at the core level and began applying that to everything in my life, whether I liked what was happening or not (this was not an easy task!).
That's when things began taking a turn for the better!
In 2006, I connected with Quantum-Touch® energy lightwork and certified as a Practitioner and Instructor in about 2008.
As I started to have an increase of energy, and began feeling somewhat better, I dove into studies at the University of Metaphysics in Sedona (the self-study course they used to physically send via snail mail).
I learned how to meditate and how to coach myself and others and received my Bachelor of Metaphysical Science.
That's when things began taking a turn for the better!
In 2006, I connected with Quantum-Touch® energy lightwork and certified as a Practitioner and Instructor in about 2008.
As I started to have an increase of energy, and began feeling somewhat better, I dove into studies at the University of Metaphysics in Sedona (the self-study course they used to physically send via snail mail).
I learned how to meditate and how to coach myself and others and received my Bachelor of Metaphysical Science.
In 2009, someone shared the Vimala Alphabet Technology with me, and, even though Vimala advises against changing the way you draw each of the letters of the alphabet all at one go, I felt I was ready to do so, because I'd already been upgrading the way I was drawing my letters so they had the positive expression in each stroke of each letter, to the best of my ability. (I'd been hunting them down and applying them already - lol. 😂)
I literally changed them overnight!
It still took me several years to become comfortable drawing the letters according to Vimala's guidelines, which helps with increasing inner self-empowerment, self-compassion, positive self-talk, honoring and respecting oneself and others, and drawing ones gifts and talents out into the world, among other wonderful things. Very magical in-deed! 💗🌟💫✨
I sincerely wish I'd had this technology when my children were small, but it was not so, and I moved forward with the change for myself.
It was a lot of focused effort, and I feel super happy that I did!
I literally changed them overnight!
It still took me several years to become comfortable drawing the letters according to Vimala's guidelines, which helps with increasing inner self-empowerment, self-compassion, positive self-talk, honoring and respecting oneself and others, and drawing ones gifts and talents out into the world, among other wonderful things. Very magical in-deed! 💗🌟💫✨
I sincerely wish I'd had this technology when my children were small, but it was not so, and I moved forward with the change for myself.
It was a lot of focused effort, and I feel super happy that I did!
In 2010, I took a Merkaba Activation class and first heard about Human Design during that class.
It took me two years to find Chetan Parkyn, who helped me to better understand myself and why I was experiencing what I was experiencing in my life.
He shared with me that most 6/3 Profiles in the Human Design System, don't make it past 30 years of age, due to risk taking. (omg - grateful I'm still here - sounds like a close shave, for sure! 💗😜)
I took Chetan's Level 4 Workshop on two different occasions, and, at the same time, dove headlong into the Gene Keys Golden Path materials offered by Richard Rudd, along with taking classes from Karen Curry Parker. (I took it on, yeah, baby! This is a big deal for a 6/3 Profile to commit to something like this, which was helpful for me to understand.)
The Human Design System, in conjunction with Quantum-Touch and the Vimala Alphabet Technology, hand-in-hand with the Spiritual Mind Science I learned from the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, are the main foundations of the mentoring and coaching I offer.
There's lots of other playful energies that I add to the synergetic mix of it all, as well. 💗
It took me two years to find Chetan Parkyn, who helped me to better understand myself and why I was experiencing what I was experiencing in my life.
He shared with me that most 6/3 Profiles in the Human Design System, don't make it past 30 years of age, due to risk taking. (omg - grateful I'm still here - sounds like a close shave, for sure! 💗😜)
I took Chetan's Level 4 Workshop on two different occasions, and, at the same time, dove headlong into the Gene Keys Golden Path materials offered by Richard Rudd, along with taking classes from Karen Curry Parker. (I took it on, yeah, baby! This is a big deal for a 6/3 Profile to commit to something like this, which was helpful for me to understand.)
The Human Design System, in conjunction with Quantum-Touch and the Vimala Alphabet Technology, hand-in-hand with the Spiritual Mind Science I learned from the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, are the main foundations of the mentoring and coaching I offer.
There's lots of other playful energies that I add to the synergetic mix of it all, as well. 💗
In 2020, I received my Instructor Certification for the Vimala Alphabet directly from Vimala herself.
She's in her late 80's now, so I feel very grateful for being able to connect with her and receive her guidance and feedback.
However, I'm going to have to say it was the most difficult certification I've ever done to date and I'm feeling grateful for the experience of it all!
I've offered one beta class release of the course material, and am looking forward to offering another, so keep your eyes peeled for it!
She's in her late 80's now, so I feel very grateful for being able to connect with her and receive her guidance and feedback.
However, I'm going to have to say it was the most difficult certification I've ever done to date and I'm feeling grateful for the experience of it all!
I've offered one beta class release of the course material, and am looking forward to offering another, so keep your eyes peeled for it!
Then, literally on the eve of Covid, the unexpected happened once again!
I was totally blindsided!
My body decided to take a very sudden and unexpected turn in the exact opposite direction of the dietary lifestyle I'd been taught was "the best" for the human form.
It happened so darn fast that I think it gave me whiplash! 😮
My body decided to stop digesting fruits and vegetables and suddenly wanted meat. Huh?!
Honestly, it's the best thing that's happened to me in the whole wide world!
I'm not gonna dive into this subject, I've been scoffed at for doing the 42-day fast, for having both my children born at home, for teaching my children at home, for eating vegetarian, for eating 100% raw vegan, and I'm so done with that, so I'm going to direct you to some helpful YouTube channels to check out if you wish (last time I remember feeling this good was when I was 6 years old and I'm listening to my body to know how I'm doing now -- "the proof is in the pudding", so to speak...):
I was totally blindsided!
My body decided to take a very sudden and unexpected turn in the exact opposite direction of the dietary lifestyle I'd been taught was "the best" for the human form.
It happened so darn fast that I think it gave me whiplash! 😮
My body decided to stop digesting fruits and vegetables and suddenly wanted meat. Huh?!
Honestly, it's the best thing that's happened to me in the whole wide world!
I'm not gonna dive into this subject, I've been scoffed at for doing the 42-day fast, for having both my children born at home, for teaching my children at home, for eating vegetarian, for eating 100% raw vegan, and I'm so done with that, so I'm going to direct you to some helpful YouTube channels to check out if you wish (last time I remember feeling this good was when I was 6 years old and I'm listening to my body to know how I'm doing now -- "the proof is in the pudding", so to speak...):
Where I'm At On Things Right Now?
Right now, I'm focused on organizing all the information I've gleaned over the years so both you and I can benefit from it, which is the purpose of this new website.
That being said, there will be regular classes offered that synergize these unique materials together.
On this website already, you can obtain your Human Design Chart and Mandala, as well as purchase Human Design Reading Reports that are unique for you. (This has been a major work in progress, and my intention is that it will benefit you and your family long-term over time. 💗)
I'm also in the process of getting ready to add another delightfully impactful way of releasing non-supportive conditioning and stepping powerfully into inner self-love, self-empowerment and self-nurturing in our lives at the nervous system level.
I'm super excited about everything that's coming together here for our lightworking community, and any homeschooling moms and dads that feel drawn to this information for their family, as well.
What a ride!
Welcome to your Journey of Inner Self-Healing!
I invite you to experiment and play!
Don't just take my word for anything I say or share, though.
Your life is your own journey, and you are your own greatest authority in conjunction with Higher Awareness.
I invite and courage you to listen to guidance from your own inner intuition.
Notice what works and what doesn't (definitely toss out what doesn't work, or, at the very least, sit it on the shelf for later -- quoting my Grandma, "Don't toss out the baby with the bathwater" -- don't set the baby on the shelf, either, it's definitely not safe - lol).
That being said, there will be regular classes offered that synergize these unique materials together.
On this website already, you can obtain your Human Design Chart and Mandala, as well as purchase Human Design Reading Reports that are unique for you. (This has been a major work in progress, and my intention is that it will benefit you and your family long-term over time. 💗)
I'm also in the process of getting ready to add another delightfully impactful way of releasing non-supportive conditioning and stepping powerfully into inner self-love, self-empowerment and self-nurturing in our lives at the nervous system level.
I'm super excited about everything that's coming together here for our lightworking community, and any homeschooling moms and dads that feel drawn to this information for their family, as well.
What a ride!
Welcome to your Journey of Inner Self-Healing!
I invite you to experiment and play!
Don't just take my word for anything I say or share, though.
Your life is your own journey, and you are your own greatest authority in conjunction with Higher Awareness.
I invite and courage you to listen to guidance from your own inner intuition.
Notice what works and what doesn't (definitely toss out what doesn't work, or, at the very least, sit it on the shelf for later -- quoting my Grandma, "Don't toss out the baby with the bathwater" -- don't set the baby on the shelf, either, it's definitely not safe - lol).
Ready To Jump In?!!!
As Sherlock Holmes excitedly declared, "The game is afoot!"
Begin by clicking this button to get your Human Design Life Chart and Mandala:
Begin by clicking this button to get your Human Design Life Chart and Mandala:
Next click this next button to learn more about Human Design Basics on my Gratitude Magnetude™ Blog for your body, mind and soul:
P.S. Scroll down the page a little further for Frequently Asked Questions and a recording of an interview with Jennifer Noel Taylor, Chief Magical Office at Quantum-Touch® Inc.!
Education and Certifications:
- 6/3 Emotional Manifestor
- Life Theme of Education in the Human Design System
- Mother of 2 Amazing Young Adult Children
- Home Schooling Mom for a total 23 years
- Life-Long Learner
- Bachelor of Metaphysical Science (BMSci) from the University of Metaphysics in Sedona
- Level 4 Certified Human Design Specialist
- Level 3 Certified Quantum Alignment™ Coach
- Certified Vimala Alphabet™ Instructor
- Certified Quantum-Touch® Instructor and Practitioner
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your goal as a holistic life coach?
My intention is to offer loving, impactful support for you to welcome yourself back home to being your True Self; to open the space for you to really love and appreciate who you are deep down inside -- the YOU that you came here on earth to experience and BE -- so you can thrive and be healthy, well and happy in your life.
By coming into this world, life happens, and along the way, that innocent, childlike part of yourself that took its first breath when you were born in this world, can get pulled off-track by others who love and care for us, but doesn't feel so good to us an individual in the long run.
We get pulled off track and end up walking in the weeds and all tangled up in the barbed wire fence instead of walking on the pavement where it's much easier.
Everything I offer here is brought to you for the specific purpose of helping you remember your Divine Life Purpose and supporting you in getting yourself back on track to feeling peaceful, satisfied, fulfilled and in awe of Life within yourself!
Wishing You A Truly Magical Day!
ღ♥´¯`°¤ღ ღ¤°´¯`♥ღ ℒℴνℯ ღ♥´¯`°¤♥¸.✿´´¯`•❀´¯
¸.☆¸.✿¸.•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆´ ¸.
✿´´¯`•.¸¸. ི Gratitude is the Faerie Dust of Life!
All-Ways Remember to:
Love Your Self, and, then
Love Your Self some more...
...this is where the Real Magic is...♥
#BeLovingness is...seeing the love and beauty in All...including your Self...
By coming into this world, life happens, and along the way, that innocent, childlike part of yourself that took its first breath when you were born in this world, can get pulled off-track by others who love and care for us, but doesn't feel so good to us an individual in the long run.
We get pulled off track and end up walking in the weeds and all tangled up in the barbed wire fence instead of walking on the pavement where it's much easier.
Everything I offer here is brought to you for the specific purpose of helping you remember your Divine Life Purpose and supporting you in getting yourself back on track to feeling peaceful, satisfied, fulfilled and in awe of Life within yourself!
Wishing You A Truly Magical Day!
ღ♥´¯`°¤ღ ღ¤°´¯`♥ღ ℒℴνℯ ღ♥´¯`°¤♥¸.✿´´¯`•❀´¯
¸.☆¸.✿¸.•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆´ ¸.
✿´´¯`•.¸¸. ི Gratitude is the Faerie Dust of Life!
All-Ways Remember to:
Love Your Self, and, then
Love Your Self some more...
...this is where the Real Magic is...♥
#BeLovingness is...seeing the love and beauty in All...including your Self...
What kind of training did you need?
Since 2008, I've been a Quantum-Touch® Instructor and Practitioner as well as receiving a Bachelor of Metaphysical Science from the University of Metaphysics in Sedona.
In 2017, I certified as a Level 3 Quantum Alignment™ Practitioner, along with having studied the Human Design System in-depth since 2012 and becoming a Level 4 Human Design Specialist as well as a Certified Vimala Alphabet™ Instructor.
I also took time away from my successful career in the working world to come home to be with my two children and home school them over a 23-year time-span.
Now, I am here available for you as a mentor of Spiritually Transforming Your Life through the Lens of Love.
In 2017, I certified as a Level 3 Quantum Alignment™ Practitioner, along with having studied the Human Design System in-depth since 2012 and becoming a Level 4 Human Design Specialist as well as a Certified Vimala Alphabet™ Instructor.
I also took time away from my successful career in the working world to come home to be with my two children and home school them over a 23-year time-span.
Now, I am here available for you as a mentor of Spiritually Transforming Your Life through the Lens of Love.
Why did you choose Human Design To Offer To your clients and students?
Human Design is a fun way to help you begin remembering the awesomeness you have within you and the life you intended to live when you were born here on Planet Earth!
It's impacted my life to such a degree that it's part of my everyday world now.
I love sharing it and allowing my own Design to continually draw me back home to the heart of who I am.
I'm here to help you do the same for yourself as well, according to your own energetic blueprint, in your relationships (with self and others), in your vocation, in your personal well-being (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and aetherically), and do so in grounded, logical, playful ways ("magical" or "miracle-producing" ways 😉).
This doesn't mean that all the "troubles", "struggles", "discomforts" or "adventures" we can experience in life will suddenly disappear (this is how we learn and grow in our life, so we wouldn't want them to just up and go away -- where's the fun in that?!! 🤪 -- the playland adventure park of Life is the reason we're here in the Earth Plane in the first place!).
What this does mean, though, is that we can bring greater love, patience and compassion to the learning process in the moment because there is greater understanding and an increased ability to make clear choices in a confident, dependable way in our lives once we understand the energy of our Design.
The first step is to get to know yourself at a deeper level than you ever thought possible.
The Human Design System provides a foundational, consistent way for us to do this for ourselves.
It's impacted my life to such a degree that it's part of my everyday world now.
I love sharing it and allowing my own Design to continually draw me back home to the heart of who I am.
I'm here to help you do the same for yourself as well, according to your own energetic blueprint, in your relationships (with self and others), in your vocation, in your personal well-being (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and aetherically), and do so in grounded, logical, playful ways ("magical" or "miracle-producing" ways 😉).
This doesn't mean that all the "troubles", "struggles", "discomforts" or "adventures" we can experience in life will suddenly disappear (this is how we learn and grow in our life, so we wouldn't want them to just up and go away -- where's the fun in that?!! 🤪 -- the playland adventure park of Life is the reason we're here in the Earth Plane in the first place!).
What this does mean, though, is that we can bring greater love, patience and compassion to the learning process in the moment because there is greater understanding and an increased ability to make clear choices in a confident, dependable way in our lives once we understand the energy of our Design.
The first step is to get to know yourself at a deeper level than you ever thought possible.
The Human Design System provides a foundational, consistent way for us to do this for ourselves.
How Did You Get Started Doing That?
From toddlerhood, I've been able to access the Quantum Field of Light.
I've been interested in the colors of the rainbow, auras, crystals, faeries, chakras, the Chinese I'Ching, iridology, essential oils, personal wellness and well-being, quantum field energies, the Kabbalah, spiritual intuitive card readings, merkabah activation, among other esoteric information, so much so, that when I heard about the Human Design System, I was immediately drawn to it.
It combines together many of the singular elements that I was already interested in and synergizes the information to such a degree that it's very helpful in supporting one's personal well-being in life.
Being immersed in it and figuring out how to present it for you in up-lifting, playful and understandable ways, along with other potentially "magical"/"miracle-producing", subtle energy techniques (depending on how focused you get with them) has been my determination since I began my studies of the Human Design System in late 2011.
I've been interested in the colors of the rainbow, auras, crystals, faeries, chakras, the Chinese I'Ching, iridology, essential oils, personal wellness and well-being, quantum field energies, the Kabbalah, spiritual intuitive card readings, merkabah activation, among other esoteric information, so much so, that when I heard about the Human Design System, I was immediately drawn to it.
It combines together many of the singular elements that I was already interested in and synergizes the information to such a degree that it's very helpful in supporting one's personal well-being in life.
Being immersed in it and figuring out how to present it for you in up-lifting, playful and understandable ways, along with other potentially "magical"/"miracle-producing", subtle energy techniques (depending on how focused you get with them) has been my determination since I began my studies of the Human Design System in late 2011.
Why Do You Still Do It?
When I first began studying and applying the energies of my Design in my life, clear back in 2012, my husband made the comment that this was the first thing that I'd focused on learning about that he could get on board with, because he could see that my emotional state was more calm and I was becoming more confident and mindful in my actions.
My husband is a very logical-minded individual in his Design, so this is lovely feedback for us all!
I'm mostly right-brained in my Design, so the Human Design System is a huge help for me, especially since I'm a Mom, because, as the saying goes, "If Momma ain't happy, then nobody's happy" - lol - oh, goodness...some days...
The Human Design System provides a foundational "anchor point" to who I truly am deep down inside, so I can mindfully, at the conscious level, continually bring myself back home to the Heart and Soul of who I am.
My husband is a very logical-minded individual in his Design, so this is lovely feedback for us all!
I'm mostly right-brained in my Design, so the Human Design System is a huge help for me, especially since I'm a Mom, because, as the saying goes, "If Momma ain't happy, then nobody's happy" - lol - oh, goodness...some days...
The Human Design System provides a foundational "anchor point" to who I truly am deep down inside, so I can mindfully, at the conscious level, continually bring myself back home to the Heart and Soul of who I am.
How Do You Work With Human Design Differently than Everyone Else?
As a Gemini and 6/3 Emotional Manifestor in the Human Design System, I love adding what I've learned to the "buffet on my table", so to speak.
When I began really taking a look at the Human Design System, I was able to add what I'd already found to be valuable to bring in to my daily life and combine it with the elements that are present within Human Design.
Some of the other subtle energy elements that I've synergized within the Human Design System in my life are Quantum-Touch® energy lightwork, supporting well-being through the seasonal changes (Chinese I'Ching and meridian energy systems), Vimala Alphabet™ System, Spiritual Mind Science, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), chakra energies and spiritually-focused shaman work (zero stimulants - that'll probably gonna come up somewhere along the way - keep an ear out for it if you want to know more), to name a few.
This creates an experience that you literally will not find anywhere else in the Earth Plane!
I love offering innovative ways of experiencing personal development, and synergizing all these elements, along with other playful instruments, that allows you to have a way to experience You Be-ing You in ways that you may never have brought to mind before.
When I began really taking a look at the Human Design System, I was able to add what I'd already found to be valuable to bring in to my daily life and combine it with the elements that are present within Human Design.
Some of the other subtle energy elements that I've synergized within the Human Design System in my life are Quantum-Touch® energy lightwork, supporting well-being through the seasonal changes (Chinese I'Ching and meridian energy systems), Vimala Alphabet™ System, Spiritual Mind Science, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), chakra energies and spiritually-focused shaman work (zero stimulants - that'll probably gonna come up somewhere along the way - keep an ear out for it if you want to know more), to name a few.
This creates an experience that you literally will not find anywhere else in the Earth Plane!
I love offering innovative ways of experiencing personal development, and synergizing all these elements, along with other playful instruments, that allows you to have a way to experience You Be-ing You in ways that you may never have brought to mind before.
Have you done any interviews I can watch?
Hear More About My Personal Views For Handling Life's Little Stresses In Day-To-Day Living
(Jennifer was a bit surprised!) 😉💖✨
In this interview with Jennifer Noel Taylor, Chief Magical Officer at the Quantum-Touch® Office, we talk about what I personally believe to be the Faerie Wand of all Faerie Wands in life! 🌟
P.S. This is the foundation of the Spiritual Life Coaching I offer my clients and students and I feel this is sincerely the best way for you to get to know me and see if what I offer is a good fit for you in your life right now. 💗
Watch the video of this interview below:
(Jennifer was a bit surprised!) 😉💖✨
In this interview with Jennifer Noel Taylor, Chief Magical Officer at the Quantum-Touch® Office, we talk about what I personally believe to be the Faerie Wand of all Faerie Wands in life! 🌟
P.S. This is the foundation of the Spiritual Life Coaching I offer my clients and students and I feel this is sincerely the best way for you to get to know me and see if what I offer is a good fit for you in your life right now. 💗
Watch the video of this interview below:
Check Out My Interview With Jennifer Noel Taylor!
Hear More About My Personal Views For
Handling Life's Little Stresses In Day-To-Day Living
Handling Life's Little Stresses In Day-To-Day Living
(Jennifer was a bit surprised!) 😉💖✨
P.S. This is the foundation of the Spiritual Life Coaching I offer my clients and students and I feel this is sincerely the best way for you to get to know me and see if what I offer is a good fit for you in your life right now. 💗
P.S. This is the foundation of the Spiritual Life Coaching I offer my clients and students and I feel this is sincerely the best way for you to get to know me and see if what I offer is a good fit for you in your life right now. 💗
You deserve to experience the happiness you came into this Earth to share and be!
Thank you for being here! Thank you for being YOU!
I'm looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you!
Wishing You A Truly Magical Day!
ღ♥´¯`°¤ღ ღ¤°´¯`♥ღ ℒℴνℯ ღ♥´¯`°¤♥¸.✿´´¯`•❀´¯
¸.☆¸.✿¸.•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆´ ¸.
✿´´¯`•.¸¸. ི Gratitude is the Faerie Dust of Life!
All-Ways Remember to:
Love Your Self, and, then
Love Your Self some more...
...this is where the Real Magic is...♥
#BeLovingness is...seeing the love and beauty in All...including your Self...
Thank you for being here! Thank you for being YOU!
I'm looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you!
Wishing You A Truly Magical Day!
ღ♥´¯`°¤ღ ღ¤°´¯`♥ღ ℒℴνℯ ღ♥´¯`°¤♥¸.✿´´¯`•❀´¯
¸.☆¸.✿¸.•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆´ ¸.
✿´´¯`•.¸¸. ི Gratitude is the Faerie Dust of Life!
All-Ways Remember to:
Love Your Self, and, then
Love Your Self some more...
...this is where the Real Magic is...♥
#BeLovingness is...seeing the love and beauty in All...including your Self...
Have Questions?
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