“Your ‘Why’ has to be so big that nothing will stop you.” "Inspire yourself to be the best you can be in any moment. Let the experiences of life show you the way to love and you will receive its bountiful gifts. Expect good things to happen by making them happen in your daily activities." An awesome gal I met posted this in her notes on Facebook. I wholeheartedly agree and wanted to share this with you! Just found this in Spirit Library...it is my belief as well...."If we are someone who is still looking the other way when it comes to accepting we are in fact the Creator of our life, we may find that we're still attracting a great deal of difficulty in our lives. Why? The reason is by not accepting that we are the Creators of our lives, we are giving our power away as we continue to prolong the archaic patterns of being a victim. When we are willing to take full responsibility for every experience in our lives, no matter how easy it may be to operate from a space of blame, we begin to empower ourselves. We begin to look at every experience as simply being feedback from the Universe. So, when we attract a circumstance into our lives that we don't necessarily resonate with, we can now just use it as feedback to make another choice: it's that simple. Wow, how much lighter does that feel for you? Being in this space, we find that we no longer need to over react to every seeming challenge. Instead, we begin to see these challenges as amazing opportunities to fine tune what we really do want to attract and experience more of in our lives." YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR EXPERIENCE...it is the good news and the bad news...but because YOU are the creator, YOU have the power to Transform, and transmute your circumstances, events, relationships and situation. ~*¨*•♪♫•*¨*•.~ Thank you, Laurie!~*¨*•♪♫•*¨*•.~
“Everything you want is coming. Relax & let the Universe pick the timing and the way. You just trust that it is coming and watch how fast it comes.” “The Elders say the men should look at women in a sacred way. The men should never put women down or shame them in any way. When we have problems, we should seek their counsel. We should share with them openly. A woman has intuitive thought. She has access to another system of knowledge that few men develop. She can help us understand. We must treat her in a good way.”
“Each morning we are born again. It’s today that matters the most.”
~ Buddha ~ Photo: Used by Permission of Quantum Touch Inc.
In the words "Limitless", "Effortless", "Boundless", etc., the Quantum Field/Universal Law only recognizes the "Limit", "Effort", "Bound" part of these types of words because the "not" or "less" or "un" parts of words hold no vibration whatsoever -- therefore, they are not recognized in vibratory patterns of Life Force Energy. (Refer to the "Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, Vol 6, by Baird T. Spalding.)
In order to harness the Quantum Field in such way as to focus only on what we want, we turn the word to the positive -- "Infinite", "Easy", "Open", "Forever", "Eternal", etc. --
These words say exactly what we want!
If we keep telling a child "Don't play in the street." The only picture the child sees in their mind is playing in the street because that is what was said. If we tell the child "Play in the yard and stay on the grass", they will receive the picture in their mind of where the ideal place is because that is the picture that was drawn for their mind to focus on. It will be easier for the child to obey, and, also, the Quantum Particles playing and dancing in the Field of Light, if we give the instructions we desire for the end result in mind. =) Much Love & Light! Shelly Liedtke ~ Daughter of the Rainbow, Born of White Light ~ Text: (c) 2012 Shelly L. Liedtke. All Rights Reserved. www.ShellyLiedtke.com Photo: Used by Permission of Quantum Touch Inc. "Love is not only the fulfillment of all law but is the solution for every problem that arises in life. Love is the law of the Universe, and when it becomes the ruling passion of the individual, then he is in harmony with all the forces of infinite space. He that is in Love is in God. Love is first to be developed in the individual as an inseparable Union with the Infinite. Being one with the Infinite you are one with all the manifestations of the Infinite. This does not mean that you are to love the imperfections in the world, in your neighbor, or in yourself. Drop these out of consciousness and make your union with the Divine that is back of this outward mask in which you cannot see or know God." Photo: Used By Permission of Quantum Touch Inc.
Integrity: wholeness, completeness (New Webster's Dictionary)
Integrity is the ability to BE and remain sound, whole and complete, standing strong and firm in your creation -- whatever that creation may be.
The chair in which you sit is standing in integrity, staying in the form it was created, holding your body as you relax in it. All people, animals, plants, etc., in our environment are doing just that -- following the thoughts and feelings of the originating cause or creator to hold their material integrity and form where they now stand.
One of my most favorite books is "The Diamond In The Window" by Jane Langton. There's a character in this book, Uncle Freddy, who tells his young niece and nephew to "sculpt themselves well". Our thoughts and feelings sculpt or create our physical environment and experiences and bring these thoughts and feelings into integrity and solidity in our surroundings -- this is the material world we find ourselves experiencing in our now. When we focus our thoughts and feelings in the greatest and highest positive ideal, those thoughts and feelings will eventually BE that high positive ideal we are "sculpting" or "manifesting". The time between originating thought and manifesting creation seems to be shortening for many. It seems apparently wise to focus on the greatest and highest good for All and in Love, Light & Gratitude. This will then be our solidifying creation and joyful experience! Love & Light! Shelly Liedtke ~ Daughter of the Rainbow, Born of White Light (c) 2011-2012 Shelly L. Liedtke. All Rights Reserved. www.ShellyLiedtke.com
Over the years, I've found that when I keep a Gratitude Journal that awesome things happen.
BE-ing Grateful in advance works wonders.
When we're Grateful in advance of an event happening (meaning making self-actualizing statements of Gratitude as if the event has already occurred or is occurring right in the moment you are in) has great power. The Uni-Verse♫ will begin to notice when you express Gratitude for an event, etc., and will begin to "Make it so" -- kinda like Captain Picard in Star Trek: Next Generation when he gives a directive to his crew to go or do something and then he says those magical words -- "Make it so" -- and, guess what? -- it happens! We are each the "Captain" of our Body Uni-Verse♫. We make it happen. Whatever "IT" is.
If we change the directives or commands (thoughts, words, desires, feelings, etc.) that we're giving, then the results will change. If we do not change, then we will continue to receive and experience the same results over and over and over and over, etc., etc., etc. Making Self-Actualizing statements filled with Love and Gratitude increase the power of bringing integrity to that which you wish to experience, even if it is not currently in your space -- FEEL it in your space, KNOW it in your space, LOVE it in your space, SEE it in your space, EXPERIENCE it in your space -- "Make it so"/Release it to God and the Uni-Verse♫. Then KNOW in your heart-mind that if it is truly the best thing for you in your space and for your greatest and highest good and the greatest and highest good for All, it SHALL happen. At the very least, you will RECEIVE some variation of your expressed Gratitude (you might even be surprised with something better that you even imagined possible!). Keeping a Gratitude Journal does wonders for the Heart, Mind and Body! Feel free to share any Gratitudes you may have and feel welcome to return here and do the same often if you desire. Express Gratitude and Appreciation to God and the Uni-Verse♫ for as many things as comes to mind -- maybe even share the results of expressing your Gratitude and how it positively impacts your life and the lives of others; especially when experiencing a challenge of any kind, and then BE-ing grateful for it -- no matter what the challenge is, BE-cause challenges are always opportunities for growth, even though they may be uncomfortable ones. Challenges could even be viewed as the Highest Part of your Self showing you where to work next and what's the most important issue or concern to shift or learn about or let go! =) As you express the high vibration of Appreciation in as many ways as possible -- i.e., speech, thought, writing, action, feeling, etc. -- your wave form of Gratitude and Light will be sent out to the Uni-Verse♫ and will be felt by All, even if they are not aware of it on a conscious level. As we re-MEM-ber to focus upon the most Beautiful things possible, our World of Reality will be as Beautiful as our Thoughts and Ideas are. -- this is a variation on Ghandi's statement! Let's BE the change we want to see and experience! Let's Radiate out Pure Love, Light, Gratitude and Joy! Much Love♥ & Light☼! ♥♥♥ Shelly Liedtke ~ Daughter of the Rainbow, Born of White Light ~ (c) 2011-2012 Shelly L. Liedtke. All Rights Reserved. www.ShellyLiedtke.com Welcome to my new website! Yahoo!
I'll BE adding more information over time as I move forward in offering the greatest value I possibly can for You and Your Family and Friends! Leave Your contact information on the Home Page so I can add you to my email list and respond to any questions or comments you may wish to send me. Thank You for BE-ing Here! :-D Much L♥ve & Light to You in Your AWE-Some Day! Shelly ~ Daughter of the Rainbow, Born of White Light ~ Copyright (c) 2012 Shelly L. Liedtke. All Rights Reserved. www.ShellyLiedtke.com |
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November 2023